Wednesday 14 October 2020

Marcus Rashford MBE launches petition on child food poverty

Marcus Rashford MBE, the Manchester United England International Footballer has today launched a Parliamentary Petition, calling on the General Public to pledge support to #endchildfoodpoverty

He has petitioned the government once before to U-turn on their decision to withdraw free school meals vouchers over the summer.

Marcus Rashford said: “Child food poverty in the UK is not a result of COVID-19.

In 2020, no child in the UK should be going to bed hungry, nor should they be sat in classrooms concerned about how their younger siblings are going to eat that day.”

He is asking for the government to commission three vital recommendations from the Government commissioned National Food Strategy:

Expansion of free school meals to every child from a household on Universal Credit or equivalent, reaching an additional 1.5 million 7-16 year olds.

Expansion of holiday provision (food and activities) to support all children on free school meals, reaching an additional 1.1 million children.

Increasing the value of the Healthy Start vouchers to £4.25 per week (from £3.10) and expanding into all those on Universal Credit or equivalent, reaching an additional 290,000 pregnant women and children under the age of four.

The #endchildfoodpoverty campaign is supported by the Child Food Poverty Task Force which was formed by Marcus Rashford, a further 20 charities and key names in the food industry. 

Data released by the Food Foundation today reveals 18% of 8-17 year olds (1.4 million children) reported experiences of food insecurity over the summer holidays.

6.3% of children said they were worried about going hungry during the October half term.

Rising numbers of families are struggling with an 11% (850,000) of children aged 8-17 reporting that either they or their families had visited a foodbank in the summer holidays.  This was over 60% higher in non–white British ethnic groups.

Link to petition here.

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