Friday, 2 May 2008

Lesbian is a great word for being a Gay woman

I was reading the paper yesterday and there was this really tiny article about the Greek islanders of Lesbos calling for the word Lesbian to be banned when referring to Gay women.


Because they say they are the original Lesbians.

The mind boggles on many different levels.

But there's my phrase of the moment again: I'm sorry what!?

People have been using the term Lesbian to refer to Gay women for fucking AGES!

Why make a fuss about it now?

Possibly this is newspaper piffle, it was in The London Paper after all.

If it isn't, have they had their collective heads in the sand all this time?

Or is this a stunt to boost tourism.

I give up.

The tories look like they're sweeping the board to boot.

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