Friday, 14 January 2011

Murdoch and media monopolies

I wrote a letter to my MP today, on the issue of the BSkyB merger talks.

Personally I can't believe this merger is even being considered.

You may think that I'm getting this out of proportion as an egotistical journalist, but I don't think I'm being that self obsessed.

Unless you live in a hole a lot of what you choose to talk about over a week is shaped by the media.

The media can help shape election debate, the quality of media drama, the news you do and don't receive...

If I went on I could write an essay, but I've been writing solidly all day and eventually that coffee is going to wear off; plus I'm sure you're intelligent enough to recognise its impact and significance.

Rupert Murdoch's empire

Rupert Murdoch for those of you that might not know owns News Corporation.

As you will see from that link, they, are, massive.

The issue is about him owning more.

More than that whole list.

You can't have one person owning all that, it's madness.


A variety of different voices inspires intelligent democratic debate.

One man owning all of that doesn't stimuate a variety of different voices.

If you're reading this I want to encourage you to make some noise, write to your MP, do something.

Why the urgency?

If this goes ahead without proper consideration turning back is extremely difficult and at the moment Jeremy Hunt, who seems to be far from impartial - you'll notice The Guardian reported he had been holidaying with BSkyB - is conducting this matter away from the public eye.

Make them listen, keep the media varied.

Sorry if this is a bit polemic, by all means research it, but I'm tired and hungry now.

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