Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Calls for UKIP councillor to resign

A new petition on is calling for the resignation of David Silvester the UKIP councillor who claimed that passing of gay civil union had brought the floods of recent weeks.

Mr Silvester's statement has angered Sarah Butcher of Henley on Thames so much that she has set up a petition calling for his resignation.

On Friday 17 January, Councillor David Sylvester (UKIP) wrote an open letter to the Henley Standard, blaming the legislation of the same sex marriage bill for the floods that we are currently experiencing in the UK.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

The Godlike power of sexuality

The Henley-on-Thames councillor David Silvester thinks that allowing gay marriage has wrought the destructive floods of the past weeks.

Needless to say that this is beyond ridiculous, to such an extent that UKIP have actually expelled him from the party.

After reacting with sheer confusion that global warming theories could not instead be considered by this bloke, I was put in mind of Crowded House.

Maybe it was his awkward way of crooning: "Everywhere you go you always take the weather,take the weather, the weather with you."

Channel Four story.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Flooding? Get over it.

It's flooding, storming and hailing and so the government thought, let's cut the Environment Agency.

This piece of news from Unison suggests the beginning of a comedy sketch:

Council officer: "Flooding?

You might need the, oh no sorry, it's gone."

Member of the public: "What's gone?"

Council officer: "It's part of the Environment Agency, can't remember what it was called now, it would have been handy, probably..."

Member of the public: "Th-an-ks..."

Sorry, comedy is not my strong point, but this news is somewhat bordering on the absurd, don't you think?

I am watching the shores of this isle be buffeted beyond belief and they're cutting the agency whose job it is to handle this kind of emergency...

Words fail me.