Monday, 9 March 2015

Food nonsense

Given that I'm in this weird anti-sugar Utopia it seemed eminently timed for thug kitchen.

Passed on through the wonders of Facebook this 'spoof' book (hard to be sure) encouraged me to eat like I give a f&*k.

That's a dandy idea that one, especially after the worst ever salt beef sandwich I have ever come across.

Mama don't preach

Thing is, actually cooking up a storm is not exactly high on my agenda.

I feel despondent.

Aware that despondency is only likely to be increased by a poor diet, but there you have it folks.

How a person feels, or at least how this person feels directly relates to how excited they are by cooking things.

Simple dinners are us

Tomorrow I will be mostly eating noodles, because I am aware that I am not on a wage that actually supports people properly in this city.

So pass the noodles and soup ingredients, budget cooking is all the rage in this very annoyed brain.

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