Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Enoch? All bets are off

I was undecided about the EU Referendum.

Europe was increasingly feeling like a distant and a little too right leaning place to stay in.

So despite the economic arguments I was pondering what Britain might look like outside the EU.

Then last night I was watching the Vote Leave broadcast, which was already looking thin off the ground on the evidence side and presenting rather an insular world.

Finally they finished it all up with a picture of Enoch Powell, famous for his "rivers of blood" speech that never materialized.

My heart fell through the floor.

If that is what Britain wants for its future then I want no part of it.

Decision made.

Thursday, 5 May 2016

NHS abuse over criticism

As London goes to the polls to elect the Mayor and assembly and the junior doctor's fight to be allowed into a negotiation over their new contracts, a grieving mother has received verbal abuse.

Sara Ryan who tragically lost her son within the Southern Health NHS trust, has been labelled a "vindictive cow" by someone claiming to be a member of NHS staff.

Sara has been campaigning for accountability within the trust after her son drowned in a bath in the Slade house in Oxfordshire.

Shocking attacks

The message (as reported by The Guardian) started well, with the statement "it's tragic, and I hope you find some closure after the report," but descended into abuse.

A Southern health spokesman is investigating the call.

It is shocking to think that a member of NHS staff would behave in this way, after all a campaign and criticism from a grieving mother should be seen within the context of the loss she has just suffered.

No one is their best self while grieving, especially when that grief is for a child.

Thoughts for the future

I hope that once an investigation has been completed that the trust will identify this alleged member of staff and take them to task.

If you're putting a cross in a box today think carefully about what direction you want the world to go in and which candidate is offering that direction.