Thursday, 21 September 2017

All crooked

A while back now it was decided by the great and the good to make legal highs not so legal.

One of the legal highs reported was laughing gas.

Hideous stuff, affects your brain function, makes you giggle like a hyena.

Nasty, nasty drug...

That they use to help women in giving birth...

The legal high tobacco and coffee still very much on the shelves.

I think the police must have thought they needed more work.

Friday, 15 September 2017

London attack

My thoughts with those caught up in today's attack.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Press freedom: here and there

The protest of the killing of an Indian journalist has now been widely reported.

Gauri Lankesh was shot down outside her house, police are investigating the murder.

This event, tragic as it, crystallised an argument for me.

There are reports of online abuse from Hindu nationalist organisations who she strongly opposed for what she saw as a disruptive agenda.

This is the sharp end of all press freedom is about, disseminating a message despite risk.

Yet currently in the U.K. the press has got itself into hot water for phone tapping and become embroiled in a celebrity charade damaging nearly everyone involved.

However, this over step of the mark is having real repurcussions in the state of media law and the dialogue about it, affecting the reputation and freedom of more than those involved.

It is easy to write off celebrity journalism as frothy nonsense, especially within the context of what has just happened in India.

However, the same premise still applies, they are still conveying information to an audience and if they choose to do it well and ethically we all become winners.

They play fast and loose with how they approach engaging with their subjects, the whole thing descends into a damaging farce and we all lose.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Sinking ship

The Good Ship looks to be the latest casualty in gig venue closures.

As Brexit sweeps a wave of nationalist yes we can through half of Britain, the agenda seems to be more about having a public political fight with the continent than examining anything as interesting as reviving the live British music scene.

Small venues have been being closed and co-opted for over 10 years now.

There was a time when the Brixton Academy had no sponsorship in its name.

In an international context of war, flooding and economic hardship talking about a venue closure seems inconsequential.

However, the smaller venues have historically provided a musical voice for many economic losers and an alternative agenda.

Wigan is not heaven, all credit to The Verve

Much as food is important if you turn every old venue into a Tesco not many local communities are going to be able to come together to celebrate and commiserate.

Believe me meeting someone to change the world with is not easy in a supermarket, I won't get into laundrettes.

The music scene brought us acts who thrust AIDS, poverty and war into the mainstream pop discourse.

While the old adage of the guitar killing the enemy may be a bit tired, you have to remember Tchaikovsky.

Please go out, before all that's left is your TV.

Or you could Instagram your sandwich again, I guess it's your choice.