Wednesday 26 February 2020

Lent without God

Some of you who have been reading my blog for a while will know I gave up sugar for Lent a few years ago.

I was successful.

I am not religious and I don’t believe in God, but it started me doing a series of Lents.

I gave up fried chicken, YouTube and sugar a second time.

Why do it?

If you’re not religious, why are you doing it?

I hear you ask.

Well, in these days of instant consumption I feel people have lost there will power, everything is just there when they want it.

So Lent for me is an exercise in self-control, I have to give up something tough otherwise what’s the point.

Banned substance

Sugar was by far the hardest.

But this year I am giving up sweet fizzy drinks.

To some of you healthy folk this might sound easy, but I have a Coca Cola a day.

I am so regular in my habits the waiting staff at my local cafe bring it to me automatically, so I’ve told them I’m giving it up for Lent - they were shocked.

So wish me luck, I will give you updates of my progress.

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