Wednesday 23 September 2020

Sombre Times

The Guardian has reported that one-third of British professional musicians are considering giving up their careers because of the pandemic.

This information was based on a survey of 2,000 members of the Musicians Union.

The pandemic has been a crippling time for the arts, with many musicians forced to work for free to sustain a profile online as live venues are still closed.

This is not the most tragic news from a pandemic that has caused misery and economic fears for many.

However, it is still deeply saddening.

Surviving in the arts has always been tough, many musicians struggle in good times despite their talent.

Music lightens the load in many people's lives, so losing musicians to supermarket work - as the Guardian reports - is bad for a cross section of society in the end.

We are lucky in Britain to have such a diversity of music on offer, but with the pandemic we can no longer even support venues.

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