Monday 11 April 2022

Marine Le Pen, Non!

As France breathes a temporary sigh of relief in the run offs, Marine Le Pen is still expected to contest the French election right up to the wire, with the margin seeming small, according to the BBC.

All I can say is the woman and her supporters are deluded.

You do not unite anyone, by deliberately excluding minorities.

It creates a fractured and tragic dynamic where everyone loses.

Thus greater is the sadness that some on the left are saying they are not going to vote.

I may not be a die hard Macron supporter, but even I can see he is infinitely preferable to a blatantly right wing candidate.

A candidate who will not only make minorities vulnerable, but will completely destroy the hope of the equality promised in the very essence of France.

France, you have the democratic power to keep extreme intolerance out, please don’t lose that chance.

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