Friday, 28 February 2020

The Welkin

The Welkin is a play set in 1759 in rural Suffolk playing at The National Theatre.

The country is waiting for The Welkin, Hailey’s comet, to fly past and Sally Poppy (Ria Zmitrowicz) has been sentenced to hang for killing a child.

She claims to be pregnant, so a jury of 12 matrons are taken from their housework to decide whether she is telling the truth.

Lizzy Luke (Maxine Peake), a midwife, is prepared to defend the girl and has to convince the other matrons to save her life.

The verdict

The Welkin starts a little slowly, but when it gets into its swing it is a pure joy to behold.

The tale is told with humour and there is an amazing twist.

There are also some nice feminist moments in this mainly female play, a great play to watch in the run up to International Women’s Day.

Maxine Peake and Ria Zmitrowicz are brilliant in their roles and the whole cast act well.

Go see!

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Matcha madness

So yesterday was my first day without Coca Cola for a very long time.

I went to my local cafe, Perfect Blend, and settled myself down.

Now I had been partial to the orange juice there, but I fancied something different.

I have always liked Matcha ice cream, but I have never actually had a Matcha.

Green heaven

Matcha it was!

When the waitress came over with the green frothy cup I asked for sugar, but when I tasted it I realised I was not going to need sugar.

It was delicious, I can’t describe it any better.

Lent is going to be fun...

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Lent without God

Some of you who have been reading my blog for a while will know I gave up sugar for Lent a few years ago.

I was successful.

I am not religious and I don’t believe in God, but it started me doing a series of Lents.

I gave up fried chicken, YouTube and sugar a second time.

Why do it?

If you’re not religious, why are you doing it?

I hear you ask.

Well, in these days of instant consumption I feel people have lost there will power, everything is just there when they want it.

So Lent for me is an exercise in self-control, I have to give up something tough otherwise what’s the point.

Banned substance

Sugar was by far the hardest.

But this year I am giving up sweet fizzy drinks.

To some of you healthy folk this might sound easy, but I have a Coca Cola a day.

I am so regular in my habits the waiting staff at my local cafe bring it to me automatically, so I’ve told them I’m giving it up for Lent - they were shocked.

So wish me luck, I will give you updates of my progress.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Duck Duck Goose

My friend Shem Pennant was over unexpectedly from New York and he invited me to his improv show at Duck Duck Goose.

It was taking place at The Effra Social, the first show I have attended there.

I found out that it used to be the old Conservative Club, the socialist in me bristled...

But Duck Duck Goose was anything but conservative, it was an anarchic display of some great improv comedy.

They had some audience participation, which was surprisingly good, as well as two main acts.

Shem Pennants troop C3 were headlining and they were great, I laughed so much.

It was Duck Duck Goose’s sixth birthday the previous week, I missed the cake...

I will definitely be going back!