Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Nile Wilson Body Bible for free

Nile Wilson is a legend.

Not only is he a bronze medal Olympiad, but he’s lovely.

Recently he has been promoting his fitness regime the Body Bible, but he doesn’t want to make huge profits on the back of Covid 19, so he’s giving it away for free.

That’s right folks, train with an Olympian for free.

And hope the Olympics is only postponed, so we can see him perform again.

Monday, 9 March 2020

International women’s day

It was International Women’s Day yesterday, so I went along to the women’s day march.

In previous years it has been massive and filled the streets.

Unfortunately this year there were just a couple of thousand people in attendance.

There was still a great atmosphere, but I was sad it wasn’t bigger.

Friday, 6 March 2020

Nick Edward Harris album launch

I was down at The Effra Social again for Nick Edward Harris’ album launch.

Rob Quo played some heartfelt songs to kick the event off, he seemed to like closing his eyes.

Ewe, the duet, played some soulful pieces on guitar and cello.

Then it was time for the main event and Nick didn’t disappoint.

He played some lovely folk tracks, including his song chronicling his depression.

There was even a nice sing a long at the end.

I hope the album sells well, it deserves to.

Thursday, 5 March 2020

The Cocoon

The Blue Elephant Theatre had a showing of The Cocoon.

This all female dance performance interweaves women’s stories with dance.

This wasn’t the best dance production that I’ve ever seen, but it was entertaining.

I preferred the gutsier dance routines to the ephemeral routines, but it was a very fluid production.

Go if you like dance, but if you’re not that into dance this isn’t going to change your mind.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Chocolate cocktails!

I went along to The Chocolate Cocktail Club yesterday.

It was scrumptious...

You get a free cocktail with the booking price and the cocktails are averagely priced, so it’s not that expensive.

All the chocolate cocktails really do taste of chocolate and some even come with a chocolate addition.

The shots are served in edible chocolate shot glasses and are a real strong treat.

There is chocolate wine and chocolate beer and, weirdly, nachos.

The chocolate wine is really nice, but we didn’t try the chocolate beer...

I would heartily recommend it.