Thursday 26 June 2008

Day eleven in the NATO Northwood headquarters - last day

Day eleven in the NATO exercise and there is a distinct hang over vibe going on.

Nick is the most "ill", I feel pretty good to my surprise thought I was going to feel like the pits.

My head on the other hand is really not co-operating.

Nick ends up getting very upset about my copy, his head probably wasn't helping, you have to hand it to the boy he can spot even subtle mistakes when he feels like shit - I reckon that's something worth sticking on the CV.

Michael tells us he has certificates for us, but he isn't going to give them to us.


Nick's name is spelt wrong, I am called Mrs Sarah Morgan, Ciaran is called Mrs Ciaran Gold (in case you haven't picked up this fact Ciaran is a guy) and Jess, well, doesn't even have one!

The Navy eh, so efficient.

We all finish at 12 and I have my last lunch courtesy of NATO.

Then I head back to the B&B to pick up my stuff and head home.

It feels really weird leaving Northwood, I literally haven't left the place since I arrived - not even one stop on the tube!

We'll see how I adjust to the real, non-exercise, world.

It feels great to get back to a bit more freedom though.

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