Thursday 5 June 2008

Indy's BACK, but you knew that right

Ok so I went to see Kingdom of the Crystal Skull last Wednesday, but you know I'm not the most organised of people - I should have just said that it needed lots of contemplation shouldn't I?

Anyway, let's get to the point shall we - well I say we it's me really isn't it, you aren't writing this.

The beginning places you firmly in the 50s and the middle of semi desert terrain.

And of course in the first ten minutes people are already getting shot down with machine guns.

Then finally our hero appears, shortly followed by Cate Blanchett, with a decidedly dodgy Eastern European accent - honestly I thought she was better than that.

I thought they'd take ages to bring in the rumoured sci-fi element, but no they launch straight in with it, which is one of my main criticisms of the film most Indy films develop and build and then draws you in.

This one hits you round the head, drags you home and fucks your brains out.

Very rude and not in a nice way either.

I mean the action was great and I did enjoy it, but at points you're like: did you really need THAT many waterfalls?

Or, why is Shia's character so dumb that he can't work out how to swing on a vine without the help of a monkey?

It probably isn't surprising then that the dialogue is below par, what there is is ok, but it's mainly one liners and there isn't the extent and quality of script that I expect from an Indy film.

One massive hurrah for the return of Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen), by far the best Indy love interest.

She's straight talking, she doesn't take his shit, she's very attractive and my God can she handle her drink, hats off to her!

The end is predictable, well almost.

However it is quite spectacular, definitely makes good use of the big screen.

I guess all there is left to say at this point is that ultimately I was disappointed by this film, but I've changed my mind - Harrison I still would.

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