Saturday 14 June 2008

Don't Miss This

I’ve been avin’ it large in Manchester.

A friend of mine runs a club night in Manchester called Don’t Miss This, she’s also just started a new one in London called Dead Pets Society, which I always go along to if I can.

This Friday was one of those occasions when I could.

So I packed myself onto a train, which I booked that morning, to head up.

No one was free to meet me when I turned up, so I settled myself in The Piccadilly to wait for the people who were heading up.

By the time they turned up I had ordered myself some curly fries, which proved able to dry my mouth out in seconds – still, I was hungry.

When they had all arrived we moved onto to another, nicer, bar that served Space Raiders and Transformers behind the bar.

It’s SO much better than paying 50p or more for a bag of Walkers, McCoys or whatever.

Then we headed over to The Retro Bar for Don’t Miss This.

As always Dolly and John played a great selection of songs that had me dancing loads with a huge great smile on my face.

Not as always there was a wig theme and thankfully even though I had forgotten to get a wig John lent me one and by the end of the night I had tried pretty much everyone’s on for size.

I got to see what I looked like as a Pat Sharp, Zoe Wannamaker or alternatively someone out of Chumbawamba.

I was tempted to cut my hair Zoe Wannamaker style permanently, but then it would look bad growing out when I inevitably decide to grow it long again.

I also discovered that having a wig stopped me obsessively scratching my head, something I inexplicably started doing almost a month ago now.

Odd that.

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